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1600 Characters, Exchange Images and Voice Messages … Oh My!

Jean-Stéfane (J.S.) Bergeron

September 18, 2024

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Garmin has revealed their newest inReach device, which is an signficant addition to the Garmin inReach product line, a significant development in the satellite communicator world and exciting for Adiona Alert users. Let’s start with a quick overview of the new Garmin inReach Messenger Plus.

Overview of the Newest Garmin inReach

In addition to the core functionality you are already familiar with from a Garmin inReach, the new Messenger Plus introduces the ability to exchange photos, 30-second voice messages, and text messages with up to 1600 characters.

In the form factor of its predecessor, the inReach Messenger, the Messenger Plus includes a sunlight-readable display about half the size of the popular inReach Mini 2 display. Compared to the inReach Mini 2, the new Messenger Plus features a new Iridium Certus chipset, a new antenna design, is somewhat larger and slightly heavier (0.6 oz or 18 g heavier), and we expect the battery performance to be comparable or better.

Garmin states in the specifications published (not independently tested) that the new Messenger Plus battery will last up to 600 hours, sending a location update every 10 minutes or 120 hours, sending a location update every 2 minutes, while in “Low Power Messaging Mode.” When using “Performance Messaging Mode,” battery life is shorter but still impressive at 110 hours with location updates every 10 minutes or 70 hours with location updates every 2 minutes.

Read on to learn more about the new “Performance Messaging Mode,” which will be particularly exciting for our users.

Of course, you can find out more directly on the Garmin website here or in this Garmin training video. But now, let’s talk about how specific features are exciting for Adiona Alert users.

Extended Two-Way Messaging

We have been patiently waiting for satellite communicators to use Iridium’s Iridium Messaging Transport (IMT) and the Iridium Certus hardware which support larger data transfers than the current Short Burst Data (SBD) system used by other satellite communicators. The Garmin inReach Messenger Plus is the first satellite communicator to use Iridium Messaging Transport and has the ability to support longer messages, messages of up to 1600 charaters, an industry first.

The ability to send and receive longer messages will be helpful for a satellite communicator's everyday use. It will allow users to share more complete messages without being limited to the current 160-character limit.

For Adiona Alert users, this is an important change that will allow us to send you the complete alert message, in most cases, including the description of the alert prepared by the alerting agency.

When the alert title, description, and instructions exceed the 1600-character limit, our users can still request additional information by replying to the alert with the ‘D’ for the description or ‘I’ for the instructions. Of course, we can deliver the additional information in a single message instead of multi-part messages as we do now.

The ability to send you the additional information in a single extended message will also work very well with our recently added ability to request additional information for specific alerts, especially in complex, severe weather areas where multiple alerts are active at once, such as a severe thunderstorm warning over a larger area and a Tornado Warning for the specific area you find yourself in.

You can read more about the ability to request additional information for specific alerts here.

We have been preparing for the introduction of extended messages and can’t wait to introduce this to users of the inReach Messenger Plus!

Extended messages will allow us to introduce other features to improve our users’ safety in the coming months, and we can’t wait to share more information with you as soon as we begin testing.

Exchanging Photos

The Garmin inReach Messenger Plus also allows you to send and receive photos, no cell service required.

We are sure this will be a popular feature with inReach users and be useful when triggering an SOS with Garmin response. For Adiona Alert users, the ability to receive images could significantly improve the alert information received.

The current standard for Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) allows alerting agencies to include a link to a website where additional information, including pictures, maps, etc., can be obtained. Imagine receiving an alert that allows you to request an image of the wildfire-affected area or a missing person.

Our team is working with the Garmin team to see if and how we could use the ability to send you images to enhance the information you receive, helping you stay safe. We look forward to sharing more with you as we learn more.

Of course, we would love to hear your ideas about how images can help you stay safe!

Let us know—we know you guys have great ideas.

Performance Messaging Mode

The Garmin inReach Messenger Plus also introduces a “Performance Messaging Mode,” which will be especially valuable for our users.

The Messenger Plus continuously listens for new messages in Performance Messaging Mode. In contrast, other inReach devices only check for new messages when sending a location update and for a period after you send a message. They also check for new messages every hour.

The new Performance Messaging Mode will allow our users to receive alerts more rapidly. In Performance Messaging Mode, the device continuously listens for new messages, regardless of your location update frequency. This can be particularly important during particularly dynamic severe weather situations that can lead to flash flooding or tornados when alerts are updated by the National Weather Service regularly as the storm evolves.

If you haven’t already, you should read our article on location update frequency, which includes our recommendations for factors to consider when deciding on location update frequency.

The Future is Exciting for Garmin inReach and Satellite Communicators

We are excited to see how the added capabilities of the inReach network can improve the service we provide our users and can’t wait to see what else Garmin has in the works.

Direct-to-cell phone satellite service is exciting but purpose-designed and built satellite communicators have capabilities cell phones won’t have for some time, if ever.

Garmin and other satellite communication providers are working hard to ensure that their service continues to meet the needs of those who work or play in the backcountry.

Will you be getting the new Garmin inReach Messenger Plus?

Let us know if you are interested in testing our latest features or if you can think of an even better way to use the new capabilities that Garmin has just introduced.

Updated: September 19, 2024

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