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Alert Information Request Improvements

James Michalski

September 6, 2024

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One of the key goals of the Adiona Alert team is to ensure that our users receive timely and comprehensive information in a clear and easily digestible format. This process is ongoing as we continuously gather feedback and refine our services based on what works best for you. Recently, we introduced multiple new improvements to enhance your experience:

  1. Request the description or instruction of a specific alert
  2. Display multi-message part numbers
  3. Inform users of expired alerts when requesting information

Requesting the description or instruction of a specific alert

When you receive an Adiona Alert notification on your satellite communicator, you can request further details by requesting the description or instructions prepared by the alerting agency. This information can be retrieved by sending a single message with the letter d for a description or i for the instructions. While this works effectively when only one alert is active, it may present challenges in areas with multiple active alerts, as you can only access information from the most recent alert.

To address this, we assign a unique identifier to each alert sent to you (found in the square brackets in the initial alert message), allowing you to request information for a specific alert by including it in your information request message.

To request the description of a specific alert, send a message using the following format: d 1234. Similarly, to request the instruction of a specific alert, you must send a message using the following format: i 1234.

Check out our Help Article to read more!

Display multi-message part numbers

When requesting a description or instructions for an alert, longer responses may be sent to your device in multiple messages. Occasionally, these messages may arrive out of order. To address this, we’ve added part numbers at the beginning of each message to ensure clarity when multiple messages are received.

Description Request - Identifier

Inform users of expired alerts when requesting information

If a user requests the description or instructions for an alert that has already expired, instead of using credits to send an unnecessary multi-part message, we will provide a notification informing you that the alert has expired.

Updated: September 7, 2024

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