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How It Works

Providing you with safety alerts is relatively simple. Making sure you receive relevant, clear, and reliable alerts before you even know you need them is our magic.

We Monitor Your Location

While You're Out And About

After you have authorized us to do so, we continuously monitor the location provided by your satellite communicator so we can notify you immediately when you are in harms way.

We Monitor The Safety Alerts Issued By

Hundreds of Public Agencies

We continuously monitor the safety alerts issued by hundreds of public agencies throughout Canada and the United States, ranging from weather warnings issued by the National Weather Service and Environment and Climate Change Canada, to local alerts issued by State, Provincial or Municipal agencies.

Each alert is issued by agencies that are carefully vetted and communicated over a secure network to ensure the integrity of the alerts you receive.

No Matter Where You Are, We Will Notify You of

Any Safety Alerts That May Impact You

Based on your location, once we identify a safety alert for your area, we immediately send your device a message so you are aware of the risks and can take precautions to stay safe.

The message you receive provides you the details on the conditions that could affect your safety along with precautions and recommendations from experts. We also make sure that you know when the conditions you need to be aware of will begin and end. As those conditions change and safety alerts are updated, we make sure you will receive updated information.

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